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CarbonWacker GmbH
Gewerbestr. Nord 2
86857 Hurlach

phone: +49 8248 888 48 0
fax: +49 8248 888 48 10

Commercial Register HRB 29138
District Court Augsburg

USt-IdNr.: DE297358959

Responsible for the content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:
David Wacker
Gewerbestraße Nord 2
86857 Hurlach


Liability for content

The contents of our sides were provided with the biggest care. Nevertheless, for the correctness, completeness and actuality of the contents we can take over no guarantee. As official suppliers we are responsible according to §7 Abs.1 TMG for own contents on these sides according to the general laws. Nevertheless, after §§8 to 10 TMG we are not obliged as an official supplier to supervise transmitted or stored foreign information or to do research after circumstances which point to an illegal activity. Obligations to the distance or blockage of the use of information according to the general laws remain untouched from this. Nevertheless, a relevant liability is possible only from the time of the knowledge of a concrete law breaking. While becoming known of suitable law breakings we will immediately remove these contents.

Liability for links

Our offer contains links to external web pages of third on whose contents we have no influence. Therefore, we can take over for these foreign contents also no guarantee. The respective supplier or operator of the sides is always responsible for the contents of the linked sides.

Illegal contents were not recognizable at the time of the linking. Nevertheless, a permanent content control of the linked sides is not reasonable without concrete clues of a law breaking. While becoming known of law breakings we will immediately remove such links.


The contents provided by the side operators and works on these sides are defeated by the German copyright. The duplication, treatment, spreading and every kind of the utilisation beyond the borders of the copyright need the written approval of the respective author or creator. Downloads and copies of this side are permitted neither for the private, nor commercial use. As far as the contents on this side were not provided by the operator, the copyrights of third are considered. In particular contents of third are marked as those. Should you become attentive, nevertheless, to a copyright infringement, we ask for a suitable tip. While becoming known of law breakings we will immediately remove such contents.


To improve the user-friendliness on the website, so-called cookies are used. They allow easier access for users who repeatedly visit the website. Cookies are small files that are transferred from the user’s browser to the PC and stored there. This recognition is possible because the cookies also transmit the IP address. Users do not have to allow this because the browsers have options to disable or at least restrict the storage of cookies. In this context, it should be noted that then possibly the full use of the website is not given.


On this website Social-Media-Plugins from (facebook Inc, in 1601 S. California ave, Palo Alto, APPROX. 94304, the USA) are used. This is to be recognised by the suitable logo.

The browser steps in a visit of a side on which such a logo appears, with the Facebook server automatically in connection. Facebook receives therefore different data and gets to know which concrete side of the users visits. The operator of the website has no influence on which data are transmitted in Facebook. Besides, this data transfer occurs no matter whether the user clicks the Plugin.

If the user is logged in in parallel in Facebook, the Plugin can produce a concrete connection with the account of the user. If this one comment on the website or “liked” this about the Plugin writes, transmits selbiges the information in Facebook and ties together this with the account of the user. Should this not happen, the user must announce departure before with his Facebook account.

Beside this information the user should also follow the privacy agreement of Facebook. Besides, the option insists on installing an Add-On which blocks the Facebook-Plugin, the data transfer can be prevented.

Right on information/delation/cancellation

The federal data protection act puts away for the user to find out free of charge with the operator of the website about the fact which personal data are stored. In addition, it is entitled to this to arrange a deletion, blockage or correction of wrong data, as far as no legal safekeeping duty is to be followed.


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